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Our Global Graduate Programs

We fast-track ambitious graduate talents, immersing them in our business from their very first day
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Build your career in a fast-paced and vital global industry.

Our company is a key player in developing, advancing and modernizing the entire food supply chain. We are always looking for creative, forward-thinking problem solvers who are passionate about their role in the global food economy.

Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders in Food Security and Sustainability

As part of our sustainable business model, LDC believes that supporting and training young talents is key to driving lasting positive change in and beyond our industry.

Read more about Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders in Food Security and Sustainability

Why Work for LDC?

LDC is a company with strong values and high standards that makes a real difference in the world. We are committed both to sustainable business practice and to the well-being and personal advancement of our diverse workforce.

As an agile organization with an entrepreneurial heritage, LDC constantly adapts to changing market conditions, consumer trends and technologies. Our employees can continually gain exposure to new locations, projects, teams and ideas.

Life at LDC
We employ around 19,000 people across the world
More than 80 nationalities represent our multicultural diversity
At any given time, 250 LDC employees are under international assignment
We employ around 19,000 people across the world
We employ around 19,000 people across the world
More than 80 nationalities represent our multicultural diversity
More than 80 nationalities represent our multicultural diversity
At any given time, 250 LDC employees are under international assignment
At any given time, 250 LDC employees are under international assignment

LDC Recognition Awards

Great Places to Work


EMEA | Bulgaria

Great Places to Work


EMEA | France



NLT | Brazil

Globo Rural


NLT | Brazil

Amazing Place to Work

(Lugares Incríveis par Trabalhar)


NLT | Brazil

Great Places to Work


SSEA | India

badge attached


SSEA | Indonesia

Our Culture

At LDC, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism throughout our recruitment process. We value the trust of our potential job candidates and strive to ensure a safe and transparent experience. However, individuals not associated with LDC may attempt to exploit job seekers through fake recruiter scams.

To protect yourself, please remember the following:


Official Communications:
Legitimate emails from LDC will come from an address with our company domain “@ldc.com”. We will not use generic email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail for official correspondence.


We encourage candidates to verify the authenticity of anyone claiming to represent LDC. You can also contact LDC directly to confirm the legitimacy of a recruiter’s affiliation.


Financial Information:
LDC will never request a candidate’s financial details during the recruitment process.


No Fees:
LDC never charges fees for job applications, interviews or any other recruitment-related activities.


Trust Your Instincts:
If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts and seek advice from trusted individuals.

We’re committed to providing a secure and transparent recruitment process. Your trust is important to us. Thank you for considering a career with LDC.

California Privacy Notice Addendum

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